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A Platform Supporting Small Businesses


랩나가야-배경화면-002 (1).jpg

December 2023

(Organization) National Movement Headquarters for Revitalizing the Traditional Market Economy (MOU), to secure business rights from large corporations

Based on protection and mutual trust
To go together for mutual prosperity

Strategic partnership.

April 2024

Nagaya Technology Co., Ltd. (MOU) for joint development of P2P payment business and system construction
Strategic partnership.

May 2024

MOU with the Seoul Federation of Small Businesses (KFME), offline stores and the local economy

On and offline platforms to survive

Strategic partnerships for activation.

June 2024

Launch of Pamso StoryWorks

Stories of small business owners (traditional markets)

For activating the palm oil
Launch of an Internet Newspaper Newsletter

History of PAMSO

It contains the meaning of "For Sale!, the dream of small business owners!"
Establishment of Pamso, a platform supporting small business owners.

Introduction of Executives


Moon Seung-gil

Secretary General Moon Seung-gil.jpeg
  • Representative of Pamso Co., Ltd.

  • Secretary General of the Small Business Self-Employed Professionals Association

  • Director General of the National Movement Headquarters for Revitalizing the Traditional Market Economy

  • Head of the 4th Industrial Revolution Implementation Coalition


Kim Kyung-ho

김경호 대표.jpeg
  • Pamso Co., Ltd. Sales Director

  • Dongjak-gu Small Business Association Business Division Manager

  • Small Business Self-Employed Professionals Association Business Division Director


Seo Soo-won

서수원 이사.jpeg
  • Director of Pamso Co., Ltd.

  • Dongjak-gu Small Business Association Headquarters Director

  • Head of the Small Business Self-Employed Professionals Association

Introducing the Advisory Board

Advisory Board Member

Heo Jin-seok

CEO Heo Jin-seok.png
  • Representative Director of Korea Small Business Association

  • Senior Vice President, Small Business Owners' Association

  • Policy Research Institute of Small Business Development Committee

  • Co-CEO of Bitlink Solution



Small business owner's perspective

When consumers purchase small business products through PAMSO, the profits generated from these purchases are credited to small business owners as subsidies.

Consumer's perspective

By purchasing small business products from PAMSO, consumers can receive distribution margins as profit, increasing their household income while supporting small business owners.


A system where points are distributed to each person from the total distribution margin

(Margin rate 50%)

Offline 'Traditional Market (Small Business)'
Reuse in store

Small business (traditional market)
(Margin rate 20%)

New source of income

Associations and Groups
(Margin rate 10%)

Sustainable Traders' Conference
New operating expenses

(Margin rate 20%)

'Traditional Market (Small Business Owner)'
Sponsorship platform operation and management costs

Main Process Contents


Small Business Support Platform

Pamso is a small business (traditional market) where consumers shop.

Created to support and coexist

On/Offline Platforms

A portion of the platform distribution margin is also provided to consumers.

Payment in points, consumers receive points

Used in offline small business (traditional market) stores

To small business owners
Create your own shopping mall

Store Promotion and Shareholder Engagement

After each person builds a shopping mall (store) without opening costs,

20,000 points will be deducted from the accumulated points.

Granting of minority shareholders to Palmso Co., Ltd.

Zero burden on each shopping mall management fee

All operational management including product sourcing, delivery, and customer service is supported by Palmso.

쇼핑 액세서리

Pamso Process


Small Business (Traditional Market) Support Platform

Palmso supports traditional markets (small businesses) through consumer shopping.
An online and offline platform built to coexist

A portion of the platform distribution margin is paid to consumers as points (pay).
It is to be used only in offline traditional market (small business) stores.
Implementing the revitalization of 'traditional markets (small businesses)'

Store Promotion and Shareholder Engagement

  • Establishing a shopping mall (store) for each traditional market (small business) without opening costs

  • Offline store promotion (store location, items for sale, operating hours, etc.)

  • 20,000 points will be deducted from the merchant's accumulated points from the consumer's shopping.

  • Registration of minority shareholders of Palmso Co., Ltd.

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